Photographers for Environmental Advocacy

Follow these links to organizations and individuals that are maximizing the use of visual narratives to secure wilderness protection, and advocate for environmental and social justice.

Blue Earth Alliance
Blue Earth believes documentary photography can inspire positive change. We support visual storytelling on critical environmental and social issues through direct assistance to photographers and a collaborative community of professionals. Blue Earth projects are featured in books such as The Living Wild by Art Wolfe, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by Subhankar Banerjee, and Life on Earth: A Journey Through Time by Frans Lanting. Raw Rainforest founder Bruce Farnsworth is a Blue Earth photographer currently documenting the cultural and environmental impacts of fracking in the American West.

The International League of Conservation Photographers
iLCP is a 501(c)3 charitable organization whose mission is to further environmental and cultural conservation through communication initiatives that create vital content and disseminate conservation messages to a wide variety of audiences. Bruce Farnsworth has been nominated for fellowship to the ILCP.

Bridges to Understanding
Founded by photographer Phil Borges, this project of Teachers Without Borders brings children around the world in contact with each other through training and shared photography essays.

The Gesneriad Society
John Clark, Ph.D., tropical botanist and friend of RawRainforest, has worked extensively in the Andean cloud forests of Ecuador. He is a world authority on the wildly colorful plant family Gesneriaceae, and dedicated to increasing our knowledge of the plants of the new world tropics and their conservation.