Photo Gallery
From Quito, we will travel into the Ecuadorian Amazon to experience Yasuni National Park & UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve with our Lowland Quichua community hosts. Click on the images below for larger views.
Yasuní National Park & UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador
Giant River Otter, Yasuní NP
Ecuador, upper Amazon basin
Ecuadorian boy enjoys canoe ride
Napo River, Ecuador
Spectacled caiman
Yasuní NP, Ecuador
Ruby poison dart frog
carries tadpoles on back
Ecuador, Amazon basin
White-fronted capuchin monkey
gives young a piggyback ride
Ecuador’s upper Amazon basin
First class lodging, and a hammock
Napo Wildlife Center
Añanguyacu commmunity, Ecuador
Cobalt-winged parakeets at
clay lick, Napo Wildlife Center
Yasuní National Park, Ecuador
Juvenile treefrog photographed
on Raw Rainforest night hike
Yasuní NP, Amazonian Ecuador
Jaguarundi, one of six wild cats
occuring in the Amazon basin
Jorge Rivadenyra, Añangu community elder and guide
Napo Wildlife Center, Ecuador
The rare Crested owl
near Añangu Community Center
Napo Wildlife Center, Ecuador
Arrivial: Napo Wildlife Center lodge
Laguna Añanguyacu, Yasuní NP
Upper Amazon basin, Ecuador
View through rainforest canopy
Yasuní National Park
Ecuador, upper Amazon basin
Son of Bolivar Cerda, elder of
Añangu Quichua community
Bruce gave Dad a big print!